The once and future ending of an era
This evening is the First Annual in what I hope will be a long history of Farewell concerts with one of my favorite bands, The Deluxe Vaudeville Orchestra.
For a lot of years now the DVO has been giving the world good vaudeville and great music. If you're in the Atlanta area you don't want to miss this evening, it will be most special.
The DeLuxe Vaudeville Orchestra (1st Annual) Farewell Concert Friday, July 28 @ 8PM
Horizons School Theatre, 1900 DeKalb Avenue, in Atlanta
I believe tickets are $10.00. Bring extra money; the DVO will be selling CDs of various kinds, including Lenny Deluxe's accordion solo CD which should be in everyone's collection.
Dress is most deluxe; be fancy as you wanna.
Lenny is following his ladywife to Ghana, that's her latest State Department posting. (Frankly I think this is all an elaborate coverup and she's really a spy but Lenny assures me this is not the case. I'm not convinced.)
Hope to see you there. I'll be the one hollering for "Freebird!" (not really)
For a lot of years now the DVO has been giving the world good vaudeville and great music. If you're in the Atlanta area you don't want to miss this evening, it will be most special.
Horizons School Theatre, 1900 DeKalb Avenue, in Atlanta
I believe tickets are $10.00. Bring extra money; the DVO will be selling CDs of various kinds, including Lenny Deluxe's accordion solo CD which should be in everyone's collection.
Dress is most deluxe; be fancy as you wanna.
Lenny is following his ladywife to Ghana, that's her latest State Department posting. (Frankly I think this is all an elaborate coverup and she's really a spy but Lenny assures me this is not the case. I'm not convinced.)
Hope to see you there. I'll be the one hollering for "Freebird!" (not really)
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